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  2. I finished not a whole lot after that previous post, but it took me until January of this year to get it into editing. I go through these long periods of drought where I can't accomplish anything. More or less still in it. I have scene after scene of Gates of Enchantment written in my head, but every time I sit down to put them on "paper" I manage a couple of lines... A paragraph or two... and then nothing. It's frustrating as all get-out. Despite that, it's progress. Not long after that post above, I went into complete shut-down. I couldn't even visualize scenes for about a year. I'm at least having ideas for scenes and stories now, even if I can't get them written. One Whore's Town has 6 chapters live, with three to go. Seven should come out either Monday or Tuesday, and is more or less one giant debauched orgy. LOL So anyone who's been reading and wishing there was more sex... Well, it's coming. Then for anybody who wishes there was a little more action, keep your eyes out Thursday or Friday for Chapter Eight. That's where Josephine plays her hand. Then early next week, it's the wrap up.
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