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Welcome to the new Darkniciad.Com!


Be sure to check out your member settings here on the forum. There, you can change the image filter options for the main website. Look for the floating menu option at the bottom, as well. This will provide you with a much easier means to navigate the site, if it doesn't cause any problems on your end. It's turned off by default, but most people should be able to turn it on. Only older browsers or other weirdness should cause it to behave badly.


For now, I'm just going to have this one forum, and you can post whatever you like here. Odds are that there won't be many members to start out, and even fewer who will actually post on the forum. Doesn't make sense to have a bunch of topics that only rarely see new posts.


So, feel free to ask questions/comment about my stories or the website. You can suggest information you'd like to see added to the website. You can just grumble about what a rotten day you've had *laugh*


If the forums get active enough to warrant it, I'll create topics for specific discussions in the future.


All I ask is that you don't start beating up on other posters. If two people want to get into a flame war, and you both are going at each other's throats - no problem. The flame war may get split off/moved if it's driving the topic into the ground, but I'm not going to otherwise intervene. If one person is blasting another who is just trying to have a nice day posting, then I may very well start deleting posts or issuing warnings.


I may or may not leave reputation turned on. It all depends upon how it's used or abused. The same is pretty much true for all forum features. If you like it, don't start abusing it, or it will go away.


I'm not going to filter images in signatures, avatars, or in posts on the forum. If you're worried about naughty images here, then please take advantage of your forum settings to filter these. The only way I'm going to remove images is if I/everyone else is disgusted by them.


The default skin for the forum is meant to mesh up with the rest of the site, but the normal default skin for IPB is also available. If there are any other themes you would like to see added ( provided they're free! ) just let me know.


I'll add more to this welcome post as necessary.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't know really know where to post, so I'll start here and hope that's ok.


I just started reading your work and just finished Danica and Sister's of the Mist (well up to chapter 17 anyway :rolleyes: ). I really like them so far and I look forward to trying out your other stories in the future, after I recover from the marathon!



I did encounter an issue with Firefox 5.0.1 crashing on this forum when viewing the maps and trying to register. Everything worked fine in Safari 5.1 though. Firefox displayed everything fine so it must have some problems with your scripts. Sorry I can't provide more information.



Do you have a structure in mind on where we should post? Maybe a section for each universe or story collection?


Thanks again for your stories, I'm looking forward to SotM 18 :)



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I've been hearing so many bad things about 4.0 and 5.0 of Firefox that I've refused to update. I think the "accelerated release schedule" is really biting them in the ass on quality. I only use it to keep my LesLumens pen name logged in at Literotica so I don't have to log out and log in whenever I want to post a story as Les *laugh*


I'll check the IPB support forums and see if there are any reported issues and potential patches. It may be moot, as I'm waiting for the dust to settle on the latest release of the forum software before upgrading it, which may take care of any problems with newer versions of Firefox.


Feel free to start topics in any way you choose. By story, by series, or just have your own thread where you cover everything :) There aren't that many visitors to the forum, so there's no real need to enforce some draconian structure. Go wild!


I generally drop in multiple times a day, so any questions or comments will likely get addressed here even more quickly than they would by email.

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Thanks for your reply.


Your probably right about Firefox. The older slower updates were more stable and I don't think Mozilla have the resources to play the update game with Google. I just like a couple of its extensions. I guess I should start looking again at alternatives. I didn't like Chrome (version 4) all that much and I've always previously kept two browsers on the go to separate work related stuff from entertainment ;)

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No prob :)


I never really bought into the browser wars. IE always works just fine for me. I keep Chrome and FF around just for the easy multi-logins for my pen names.


Dreading the update to the forum, as it's a major version upgrade, and with so much of the site running on the backbone of it, there's all sorts of potential for disaster :P


Not doing it until a weekend, when I know I have time to pick up the pieces if anything goes wrong *laugh*


Also the main reason I haven't launched any more new sections of the site. I knew this update was coming, and don't want to have to recode something if I can just do it right the first time in the new software.

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IE is not an option for me :P . I use Safari because it it works best with all the native features of Mac OS X.


IE was a problem for web development for a while because firstly it interpreted the HTML guidelines from W3org differently from all the other browsers and secondly it stagnated for a long time on IE6 with a number of quirks to work around. IE9 is very much a step into the right direction but then the W3 guidelines are much better these days too with a better system for agreeing on implementation.


Good luck with your transition. Hope everything goes smoothly.

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