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Inhumans T.V.


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Well, the early reviews are, shall we say, not wrong.


The first two episodes were slow -- out of the necessity to introduce the characters, I should imagine.  There's a little more movement in the third, but I'm still pretty "Meh" on the storyline.


I like Lockjaw.  Unfortunately, because he's 100% CGI, he probably will get minimal screen time.


I really like the actor playing Black Bolt.  His facial expressions and gestures do a pretty amazing job of conveying things without words -- especially humor.


I do not like Medusa at all.  I barely know anything about the characters, so I have no idea if she's being depicted faithfully.  If she is -- damn.  You can be regal or a badass without being a snooty bitch.


The only one I have any passing familiarity with is Crystal, since she was with the F.F. for a while and in a few other books when I was reading.  As I said, it's only passing.  She's okay in this, but nothing outstanding so far.


I kind of like Gorgon, but the whole "we're superior people" thing kind of drags his character down.  Of course, that could be part of his story arc, in which case it will eventually be forgivable.  I suppose the same could be said of Medusa, but they really haven't depicted her with any redeeming qualities at this point.


Triton is nothing more than an instigating incident at this point.


Karnak is okay.  The way they're depicting his powers confused the shit out of me at first.  I suppose muddling up his powers is his arc, but it feels to me as if his powers weren't established well enough in the first place for the loss of them to have an impact on me.


Maximus is a mustache twirling dick with small penis syndrome.


None of the peripheral Attilan-bound inhuman characters have made much of an impression on me.  Hell, the earth-bound inhuman from the prison is far more three dimensional, and he didn't have a chunk of a two-hour premiere to set him up.


The human characters seem almost an afterthought -- and pretty clichéd.


Attilan looks like a movie set -- not a living, breathing community on the moon.


Overall, this is certainly the bottom of the Marvel heap.  Next rung up is Iron Fist, which was weak throughout in both action and storyline, but had decent enough cliffhangers to keep me interested.  Above that is Luke Cage, which was awesome for the first half, and then fizzled once they moved on to the "real villain".  Then it's Agent Carter Season 2.  ( Season 1 was awesome )  Defenders gets a rung higher on the strength of the character interactions and humor.


Considering how well the Marvel Netflix stuff started out with DD seasons 1&2 and Jessica Jones, it's sad that Netflix is filling so many of the bottom slots.


Anyway, Inhumans hasn't bored me enough to stop watching.  There are a few things here and there that are worth seeing.  Maybe it will pick up and have a few stronger moments.


Tides me over until the pure awesomeness of Coulson and Agents of Shield returns in a few weeks :D  I think they should have skipped the Inhumans series and just introduced the characters for a two or three episode storyline on AOS.


I will give them points for the "radioactive bug" line in Ep. 3, though.

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