Spur of the moment thing.

I had a spur of the moment thought and decided to collect a bunch of the shorts I’ve been posting to Lushstories in a single submission on Literotica called “Hot Shorts”.


I’m steadily posting the incest stories that were removed from Lush as well.  Currently, “Sunny Daze”, “Paige From Her Diary”, and both parts of “Kindled in Fiction” are up.

There are more shorts on the horizon, as well as some not-so-shorts.  They’ll still be short stories, likely in the neighborhood of 5-7k, but not as short as some of the recent ones.  At least two of them are going to end up assigned to Les Lumens, though they’ll appear on Lush under this pen name.

The big project I’m trying to finish this week is the Literotica Winter Holiday contest story.  We’ll see if I pull it off, because there’s not much time left for submissions.

I’ll also collect the two most recent Lush shorts that have cleared my not-so-clear embargo line into Ebooks on the website soon.