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SOTM Ch. 17 Teaser


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Just a short excerpt from the next chapter of SOTM:


* * * * *


He emerged from the long shadows of the trees, his black-robed form darker than the moonlit night.


He crossed the graves at a determined pace, thoughtless of the peace of those who rested beneath the earth. His eyes that glowed red with the fires of hell fixated upon a mausoleum ahead – his goal.


A few gestures and words in the spidery language of magic dissolved the wards protecting the crypt as he approached. The lock on the door snapped as if a twig from a single twist of Thanatos’ wrist. The demon cast aside the lock, chipping a nearby tombstone, and pulled open the heavy iron-bound door.


Stale air tinged with the perfume of death rushed from inside, and light violated the dark resting place of the dead for the first time in many years. Twin stone sarcophagi nearly filled the small space, the fine lines and detailed carvings bespeaking great wealth.


Thanatos approached and swept aside the dry, brittle remnants of flowers that decorated the lid of one sarcophagus, revealing the inscription, and confirming what the demon already knew.


The runes of warding were no match for his magic, their angry red glow impotent to prevent the desecration to come. Nor was the weight of the great stone lid any impediment, though it had taken six men to set it in place. Thanatos grasped one of the handles at the base of the arched stone cover in a long-fingered hand and lifted. The lead seals broke free and the lip slipped from its groove, allowing the demon to push the lid over the edge, where it hit with a resounding crack upon the polished stone floor.


The stained wood of the coffin within looked as if it might have been placed there only days before, rather than years. Only a thin layer of dust marred the beauty of its surface, which the demon completely ignored as his nails elongated into claws, giving him purchase into the thin seam of the coffin lid.


The body of the woman had not endured the years so well. Dull, dry blonde hair formed a halo around the darkened, desiccated flesh clinging to her skull. A voluminous gown of now yellowed white could not hide the bony protrusions of the body it shrouded. A single deadly touch of the demon’s claw caused the garment to dissolve, completing the work of decades in seconds, while leaving the body untouched.


Thanatos lay his hand upon the body’s shriveled breasts, and once again called upon his hellish powers. Even as his touch could cause corruption and death, so too could it reverse the ravages of decay and give a semblance of life to the shell of a mortal’s remains.


The woman’s skin lightened and plumped, the flesh undulating as it regained elasticity. Features emerged in her face, replacing the horrifying visage of a leering skull. Eyelids grew to cover the empty eye cavities, sprouting long, luxurious lashes. The breasts beneath his hands swelled many times over, rising firm and proud.


The demon lifted his hand and admired his handiwork. The woman within the coffin little resembled the husk that had resided there only moments before. Instead, a blonde woman of stunning beauty and ample curves appeared to sleep within.


Thanatos reached into a pocket of his robes, seeking the tools of the Art. The mere semblance of life was not enough to complete the task given him. He would have to reach into the very realm of death and the echoes of the past with necromantic magic to finish his masterpiece.


Then, he would have his reward.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow i just finished to read it. The Love scene is fabulous. I like your stories, danika's are my favorites. Hope that your muse will inspire soon for The end of sotm. ;)


Something that's been building in the last few chapters is actually getting ready to break. Several somethings, actually.


Major events are on the horizon that are going to cause a dramatic shift in the story. I like to sneak important things in under the radar, then spring them to an "OH, now I get it!"


There are still quite a few chapters left in my head, but the story will be moving into the next act before too much longer.

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