Ahh… gonna let it go.

I had a nice idea at the last minute for a Halloween story.  The problem is, I had it at the last minute.

I’ve entered way too many stories recently in Lit’s contests at the last second with only a first pass edit.  Decided I’m not going to do it this time.

In addition, I really need more time to work the hook in to a story that meets my suspension of disbelief bar.  My stories aren’t meant to be likely, but they do have to be possible, and I like to avoid certain cliches if I can.  The first idea I had ( group sex ) and this one ( 1on1 Milf ) both ran afoul of that issue.

I think with enough time to mull them over, I can work them into stories I’ll be happy with.  Time is something I simply don’t have this year to make the Halloween contest.

So, rather than fighting them and entering something inadequately edited, I’m going to shelve them for next year.  Instead, I’m going to put any writing time I have into Winter Holiday stories.