“Due” almost… uhm… Due!

Nearly done with a new story called “Due”.  This one mixes a lot of things, but will end up in the group sex category.  Lots of little kinks, including branching into some new territory from my other stories.

Also retooling the story I was going to enter in the Nude Day contest at Lit as a Summer story for that contest.  All I really have to do is make it less specific, as it was already set in summer.

Finally found some time to write.

Heart-shaped Box up at Lit

My Valentine’s Day contest story at Literotica is up.

Heart-shaped Box

I always give contest stories a couple of days worth of exclusive time, so if you want to read it early ( and help me out in the contest by voting ) feel free to cross over for one story.

It will post elsewhere in a couple of days.

“Hard Times” is also up at Lush.  I’m going to hold off on the “New to Lush” updates on the Latest Releases widget for a couple of days, in order to better advertise the new story.

Once the glut of posting my existing list is over, I’ll also start directly linking the Lush stories in these posts.  For now, you can find them by following the RR@Lushstories link on the front page of the site.