Closer to another illustrated story

I’m edging closer to finishing another illustrated story.  I have the plot worked out, the introduction to Samantha written, and finished several of the pics recently.

It’s going to be called “A Handy Man” and it’s a MILF tale.  The way I’m going to do these is to release the text version on the story sites with a note that an illustrated version is available on request.  The illustrated version will be up here to serve those requests, but not yet linked from the main site.

After a couple of days, I’ll link the story up to the site, and it will be available to everyone.

Also getting close to finishing my Nude Day contest story for Literotica.  I finally worked out the lead-up to the ending in my head, and just need to find the time to write it.  Haven’t been in a writing mode for a few days, which is why I picked up the illustrated story, which proved to be good timing.

I did get quite a bit of writing done last weekend, though.  One thing that’s quite nearly done is a continuation of “Jerk”.  This will eventually show up here on the website as an exclusive in a new section called “Hot Shorts”.  I want to have at least one more continuation of a story ready to go before I launch the section, though.

Feel free to make suggestions, and I’ll see if any of them spark me.

Should be new stuff coming soon!

Nude Day Flash

Had a flash of inspiration and started a story for the Literotica Nude Day contest.

I’m going to try something a little different with this one.  I’ve been putting any story that isn’t 1on1 that has a cougar/milf into group sex, but I’m going to see what happens if I put this one in Mature.  The category doesn’t necessarily preclude multiple partners, and stories there do so much better than the group sex category.

So, we’ll see what happens.

Probably finish the story pretty soon, but it won’t appear until the Nude Day contest starts.  I’ll most likely post it to Lush and SOL the day after it appears on Lit.  I’ve been going with the group category on Lush for these stories as well, so I’ll probably give Milf a shot there too.

It’s called “Double Booked” and the cover is even complete, ready to roll LOL

Close to a new one.

Well, I’m reasonably close on several, but the one that will probably get finished first is my Nude Day story. I didn’t make it in time for the contest, but I’m going to post it anyway. Can’t just save it for next year, because I like it to much LOL

Probably a day or two, by my best guess.

Pardon the silence

Real life intruding.  Haven’t had time to write for a while.

I’m in the middle of a couple of stories, with others at lesser stages of progress.  Trying to get one ready for the Nude Day contest at Literotica and brainstorming some ideas for the VIP contest at Lushstories.

I just put my story “Double Dip” in the queue at Lushstories, as a prelude to what I hope is a new Nude Day story this year.  I’ll be posting some of my summer themed stories at Lush soon as well.