Random Ramblings

Nailed is up at Lushstories, and Pick Up the Spare is off for editing.

For those at SOL and Lit, I’ll eventually be posting these edited versions there as well.  A lot of my old stuff was self-edited, and I’m getting that fixed as I post to a new site.

Heart-shaped Box is doing well in the score.  I knew this one was a little weak, but I simply didn’t have time to tweak it before the contest deadline.  So, the lack of comments and the lower-than-usual vote and favorite totals don’t surprise or disappoint me.

I’m working on those tweaks in my head now, and if I can work something good out, I’ll edit the Lit version.  I’m hoping to have a stronger story ready before posting at SOL and Lush, as well as updating the Lit version once the contest is over.  Wouldn’t be fair ( even though there’s no chance in hell of me ever placing ) to change the story mid-stream.

I would like to say that just because you like the rest of my stuff, that doesn’t mean you have to five vote everything, even if it didn’t do the trick for you.  Considering the lack of comments ( and only a couple of emails ) this one didn’t hit home with many.

I suppose it could be that just the people who did really like it voted, and they’re simply not people who usually comment.  Just thought I’d mention that you don’t need to five-bomb everything I write.  I’m perfectly capable of accepting that a story isn’t my best ( especially when I know it out of the gate… although I have been wrong before and had everyone go crazy over something I didn’t think was all that great LOL )

If you read through it all the way, and it just wasn’t quite there, you can vote below a five, or feel free not to vote at all.  The fives are nice for advertising, but I don’t want anyone to feel obligated.  Vote when you feel a story deserves it.

In the midst of tweaking, I’m also mulling over the numerous story ideas I have sitting ( many with cover mock-ups already done ) to see which one is singing to me.  I’ve had a bit of a run of commissions and there’s the time to add new stories to Lush, but that’s starting to settle down, so I can get back to writing when I actually have time away from real life.

I’m also looking to pick back up my next illustrated story, which I haven’t worked on for a while.  I’ve updated some of my drawing setup, so that will help with problems that were frustrating me, and caused me to put it aside. So far, it’s only artwork and a basic premise.  It will move faster once there’s an actual story building behind the pictures.