Now, that’s taken care of LOL

Rest assured I will be watching this dallas character’s every post.  If he’s dumb enough to start up again, I will inform the authors and Literotica ( or whatever site he steals from ) first, so that takedown notices can be sent before he deletes them.  Fetlife members please note this.  Send me the links before outing him on Fetlife.  He’s deleting them as fast as you prove his thievery, which ties authors’ hands for proving it to the moderators on your site.

Now that this dallas character has been dealt with ( and dozens of Literotica authors no longer have their work listed as belonging to this no-talent hack ) we can get back to business.

My next illustrated story is edging toward completion.  Time has been the major factor.  Working on the pics takes a lot longer than writing a story.  As with “Even, Steven” it will appear as text only on the sites where I post, with the illustrated version only available here.  It’s just too much of a hassle to upload illustrated stories to any of the sites.

I’ve mentioned several stories in previous posts, and they’re all still in various stages of completion.  There are more that are unmentioned and temporarily sidelined, and more that are unmentioned and moving LOL

I’m still trying to finish a Nude Day story, but time is still an issue, and it’s rapidly running out.

I’ll probably begin posting more summer-themed stories at Lush this week. I’ll put them out there as time and memory allows, the culminate with “Labor Day” around the holiday itself.  Next will be “Summer’s Heat”, which I’ll likely put in the queue in a few minutes.

After that, it’s moving into Halloween and Christmas stories.  Still have quite a few to post from my existing stories at Lush.

I’ll try to avoid radio silence in the future.  Real life has just been a pain in the ass.