My Dark and Les stories at Lush

Thought I’d give a little direction to the Lush readers who may be enjoying my stories as LesLumens and Darkniciad.

In addition to you can also follow updates for my other two pen names on Facebook and Twitter

Don’t forget that you can follow me as RejectReality on Facebook and Twitter as well.

There are a lot of stories as Dark, a few as Les, and at least one as RR that won’t post to Lushstories because of their guidelines.  The rules about violence ( even violence not related to sex ) rule out about 90% of my stories as Dark.

People get offed in high fantasy.  It’s going to happen =P

Others such as “All In My Head” as RR run afoul of their consent rules.  It looks like even something such as Alicia surrendering her dignity to escape her kidnappers in “To Catch a Merchant Princess” would run afoul of this, even though she isn’t actually touched in the scene.

And pretty much all of my longer stories are going to break the rule that all chapters must contain sex.  Only a handful of longer stories such as the Adam series meet that criteria.

So, if you’re from Lush and enjoy my work, there’s always the option to check out the stories that I can’t post there.  Just check out “My Work” or “My Stories” to find links to where they’re posted.