Hardly blockbusters

Well, the fantasy stories are getting next to no reads, and even fewer votes, but I’ll probably keep posting them.  I’m sure people who will like them will find them eventually.

Sucks that I missed a couple of holidays ( Earth Day and Valentine’s ) but I guess I’ll have a bunch of back-stories to post next year for those LOL

Put the first part of the two part “Kindled in Fiction” into the queue at Lush.  Second part will go in tomorrow.  Bro-Sis Taboo.

Got a good bit of “Taste of Sherry” written tonight, despite a long day at work.  Already up to the sex, so it shouldn’t be long.  Just have to have quiet time to write.

Ready for Missionary Impossible?

Missionary Impossible is up at Lushstories, testing out the Supernatural category.  They moved my first Dark story to Love stories, and I’ve stuck with that, but this one isn’t a love story, it’s a lust story, so I thought I’d give my first instinct for category a try and see if it was right.  Love stories has been a pretty dead zone for these.

Missionary Impossible at Lush.

King Thakkorias Live at Lush

King Thakkorias ( A Darkniciad Story ) is now live at Lushstories!

King Thakkorias on Lush

I added a forum link to the front page, pointing to a new forum section on Darkniciad.Com.  There is some information there about more changes that will eventually be coming to the website here.  ( Note that the operative word is eventually LOL )

Also in the eventually category ( probably sooner ) is that I’ll be adding downloadable Kindle .prc and RTF versions of my stories to the Downloads section of the forum.  You’ll have to be logged-in as a member to download, so that might be a reason to sign up.  No spam, and no posting requirements for anything, although it would be nice to do more than talk to myself there LOL

My Dark and Les stories at Lush

Thought I’d give a little direction to the Lush readers who may be enjoying my stories as LesLumens and Darkniciad.

In addition to Darkniciad.com you can also follow updates for my other two pen names on Facebook and Twitter

Don’t forget that you can follow me as RejectReality on Facebook and Twitter as well.

There are a lot of stories as Dark, a few as Les, and at least one as RR that won’t post to Lushstories because of their guidelines.  The rules about violence ( even violence not related to sex ) rule out about 90% of my stories as Dark.

People get offed in high fantasy.  It’s going to happen =P

Others such as “All In My Head” as RR run afoul of their consent rules.  It looks like even something such as Alicia surrendering her dignity to escape her kidnappers in “To Catch a Merchant Princess” would run afoul of this, even though she isn’t actually touched in the scene.

And pretty much all of my longer stories are going to break the rule that all chapters must contain sex.  Only a handful of longer stories such as the Adam series meet that criteria.

So, if you’re from Lush and enjoy my work, there’s always the option to check out the stories that I can’t post there.  Just check out “My Work” or “My Stories” to find links to where they’re posted.