Nude Day story in progress

Dug the start of a story out of my “Next Year” folder and it was singing to me, so I picked it back up for this year’s Nude Day contest at Lit.

I’m already into the sex, so it shouldn’t be too long before it’s finished.  Dipping back into the MILF well again with this tale.

Vicki will go into the queue at Lit today for an expected Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning release, and I’ll get it in the queue at SOL to hopefully release at the same general time.

Still have “A Fine Substitute” sitting at the beginning of the sex, waiting for me to pick it back up as well.  The two contest stories took priority when I had to take a break from my Magic of the Wood story as Les.

Had another flash of inspiration, so I have an outline for another story built up and ready to roll as well.  Should be at least a couple coming soon to all three sites.