Dip at SOL & Lush – Clone in Ebook form

“Dip in the Lake” is up at Storiesonline and Lushstories.  Doing well at both places, and at Literotica for the contest.  No chance of winning the contest, but lots of votes and favorites, as well as attracting eyes to my other stories, which is the real goal.

Dip in the Lake at SOL

Dip in the Lake at Lush

I also converted “Send in the Clone” over to Ebook format.  It’s available in RTF and Kindle .prc on my downloads page.

Send in the Clone Kindle PRC

When I scrolled through my numbers yesterday, I realized that “Nude Holly Day” has hit “Famous Story” status at Lush, ( 30k views ) so I added that award to the story information.

My last several stories have all also made the toplist for downloads at SOL.  Usually, it’s in the 20s, but a few have climbed nearer the top.  The site has really improved as far as readership goes the last year or so.  It was down for a long time, and is getting back up to where it was when I first started there.

That’s it for now.  Brainstorming Halloween stories as well as a few others.  Feel free to make suggestions.