Double Booked finally getting there.

My story for the Literotica Nude Day contest is finally getting there.  It took me a while to get Tonya in the right place to take the plunge.  Finally found the right angle, and she’s about to have her wildest fantasies come true.

Most likely finish it this weekend, get it edited, and get it in the contest for Friday morning.  Then, I’ll probably post it to Lushstories and Storiesonline on Saturday.

Keep your eyes open!

EDIT ( a little later ) finally up to the sex in Double Booked, so this one is rolling right along on schedule.

May have an idea for another nude day story as well 🙂

4 more ebooks up.

Four more stories are now available in the downloads section in Kindle .prc and RTF format.

Lushstories readers may be especially interested in “All in my Head”, which won’t be available on Lush ( Mind Control with a twist )

You can grab it, “Kitty in the Cream”, “All the Perks”, and “Bet your Bottom” on the downloads page now!

Nude Day Flash

Had a flash of inspiration and started a story for the Literotica Nude Day contest.

I’m going to try something a little different with this one.  I’ve been putting any story that isn’t 1on1 that has a cougar/milf into group sex, but I’m going to see what happens if I put this one in Mature.  The category doesn’t necessarily preclude multiple partners, and stories there do so much better than the group sex category.

So, we’ll see what happens.

Probably finish the story pretty soon, but it won’t appear until the Nude Day contest starts.  I’ll most likely post it to Lush and SOL the day after it appears on Lit.  I’ve been going with the group category on Lush for these stories as well, so I’ll probably give Milf a shot there too.

It’s called “Double Booked” and the cover is even complete, ready to roll LOL

Free Ebooks now available

Three of my stories are now available in .prc format for download to your Kindle reader, or in .rtf format for download and offline reading.

So far, Summer’s Heat ( Lushstories Recommended Read ), Double Dip ( Lushstories Editor’s Choice ) and Souvenir are available, with more to come as time goes on, until they’re all up.

You have to be a logged-in member of to download, but there are no requirements to post ( feel free, though! There’s a section just for my RR stories on the forum now ) or anything else.  Currently, there’s a limit of one download at a time, and five downloads per day.

Let me know if there are other ebook formats you’d like to see, or perhaps Kindle versions with covers that are safe for when people are peeking over your shoulder.  If there’s enough call for something, I’ll provide it.

Taste of Sherry is still in the works, and I anticipate that I’ll finish the first draft this weekend.  The editing process and other assorted considerations will probably push the release until next week on Lushstories and Storiesonline, and possibly the week after on Literotica because of the long lead time between submission and publication there.

Ready for Missionary Impossible?

Missionary Impossible is up at Lushstories, testing out the Supernatural category.  They moved my first Dark story to Love stories, and I’ve stuck with that, but this one isn’t a love story, it’s a lust story, so I thought I’d give my first instinct for category a try and see if it was right.  Love stories has been a pretty dead zone for these.

Missionary Impossible at Lush.