Finally remembered to do the conversions and get Holly Jolley Christmas up and available for download. You can grab yourself a copy for offline reading in cross-platform RTF format or Kindle compatible PRC format right now on my downloads page.
Tag Archives: sister
Have a Holly Jolley Christmas.
I updated everything else, and completely forgot to update my blog LOL
Anyway, my latest story is now live! “Holly Jolley Christmas” ( and yes, it’s spelled right, you’ll see ) is an entry in the Literotica Winter Holiday contest, so go join the 1600 others who have already contributed their vote!
This is a taboo brother/sister story, in case that gives you the heebie-jeebies and you’d like to give it a miss. Completely understandable!
I also just put it in the queue at Storiesonline and Lushstories. I’ll add the links here as soon as they go live.
And, lickety-split, it’s live at Storiesonline!
A little less lickety-split, it’s live at Lush. LOL
Lush releases catch-up time.
I’ve been reposting my incest stories at Lush. “Sunny Daze” and “Paige From Her Diary” are both up there.
I’ve also released some brand new shorts there. I’m practicing short-form stories, ( which do well there ) filling out categories toward the Omnium badge, and getting some ideas that I couldn’t flesh out into longer stories out there.
That’s one, and then there’s this one, which is an entry in the “Boobies” contest.
Another that I just finished will be the pair for “Do the Lotion Motion” for the purposes of posting an Ebook on my website in time. The previous pair of “Pot Head” and “X-Ray(Ted) Vision” will go up as an Ebook sometime in the next couple of days.
Working on a new brother-sister story for the Literotica Winter Holidays contest as well.
Christmas treats for DL
Just added two Christmas favorites to the downloads page. You can grab a copy of “Peppermint Patty” or “Up the Chimney” right here in Kindle .prc or .rtf format for your offline reading pleasure.
New quickie back from editing, and will probably go up on Lush tomorrow. Still leaning toward this one being a Lush exclusive.
It’s a Sunny Daze
Sunny Daze is now live for the Literotica Summer Lovin’ contest!
Go give it a read and a vote!
It will go in the queue at SOL and Lush soon, but readers from those sites can feel free to get a sneak peek and vote for me at Lit to help me in the contest 😉
Here comes another one.
Just finished the first draft of another story for the Summer Lovin’ contest at Lit. It’s a taboo brother/sister tale called “Sunny Daze”.
I’ll edit it in the upcoming week, and submit it to come out ( if all goes well ) Friday morning.
Also just started a new short story for my Hot Shorts page. It’s called “Lot Lizard” and could very well come out before Sunny Daze. I already know it’s going to be a quickie, and it won’t take very long to either write or edit.
Also have a good idea for the Lushstories Autumn Equinox contest. Odds are that I’ll start that one as soon as I finish “Lot Lizard”. It’s going to be called “Full Filled” I believe.
So keep your eyes open. New red hot tales are coming your way!
EDIT ( a little later in the day ): And, “Lot Lizard” is done 🙂 It’s a short enough story that I’ll probably do the read-through and edit today, then send it off for final editing tonight.
On to “Full Filled” 😀
Kindled in Fiction up at Lush
The first part of Kindled in Fiction is live at Lushstories, and part 2 is in the queue to go up tomorrow.
I’ll have to decide where to go from there. Maybe more taboo. Maybe more fantasy. Most of what’s left beyond that is seasonal, and will be waiting on the next time the appropriate season hits.
Except for new stories, of course, which I hope to be posting soon.