Get yourself a Nude Day fix.

This posted at the first of the week, but work has kept me from getting the updates out.  You can check out my latest MILF tale in the Literotica Nude Day contest right now – “Fixed Wright Up”.  Link up through my latest releases page. 

It’s now in the queue at Storiesonline and Lushstories.  Once it posts, the links will be in the same location.

School’s in.

My latest story, “A Fine Substitute” is now live on Lushstories for your enjoyment 🙂

You can give it a read right here:

It’s approved to go live at Lit on Sunday, and in the queue at SOL, where it should go live Saturday morning.

EDIT: And it’s officially live at Storiesonline!

Musing about a story in progress

“Like Riding a Bike” is out at SOL and Lush.  I posted the updates on Twitter, Facebook, the website, and my forum, but time was tight before work, so I skipped the update here, and apparently forgot when I got home :p

Then I turned right around and forgot to post about the new Website Exclusive short story, “Sucksess” here as well.

You can link up to them from the website if you missed them.

Now, on to what I clicked “New Post” over.  I’ve been working on a story called, “A Fine Substitute” and I’m a good distance into the final sex scene.  Problem is, it feels flat.

I put it down to think about it, and ended up wandering to the forum at Lit.  In the process of responding to a post, I got to thinking that I haven’t posted a MILF story from the woman’s point of view for a long time.  All of the recent ones have been from the guy’s perspective.

Then that thought merged with the new story.  I think the problem is that there’s not enough over-the-top excitement for the guy in the story.  The MILF is exactly what the title says — a substitute.  A fine one, but a substitute, nonetheless.  He’s into it, but not “oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening!” excited.

The MILF, on the other hand, is looking for a substitute for her vibrator.  Getting into bed with a young stud is going to provide that “best day ever!” feeling for her.

I’m going to try flipping the script on this one and start a version coming from her perspective to see how it goes.  It might very well solve the flat feeling of the story, and it certainly would put a new entry in a neglected segment of my dominant genre.

Nude Day story in progress

Dug the start of a story out of my “Next Year” folder and it was singing to me, so I picked it back up for this year’s Nude Day contest at Lit.

I’m already into the sex, so it shouldn’t be too long before it’s finished.  Dipping back into the MILF well again with this tale.

Vicki will go into the queue at Lit today for an expected Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning release, and I’ll get it in the queue at SOL to hopefully release at the same general time.

Still have “A Fine Substitute” sitting at the beginning of the sex, waiting for me to pick it back up as well.  The two contest stories took priority when I had to take a break from my Magic of the Wood story as Les.

Had another flash of inspiration, so I have an outline for another story built up and ready to roll as well.  Should be at least a couple coming soon to all three sites.

Dip at SOL & Lush – Clone in Ebook form

“Dip in the Lake” is up at Storiesonline and Lushstories.  Doing well at both places, and at Literotica for the contest.  No chance of winning the contest, but lots of votes and favorites, as well as attracting eyes to my other stories, which is the real goal.

Dip in the Lake at SOL

Dip in the Lake at Lush

I also converted “Send in the Clone” over to Ebook format.  It’s available in RTF and Kindle .prc on my downloads page.

Send in the Clone Kindle PRC

When I scrolled through my numbers yesterday, I realized that “Nude Holly Day” has hit “Famous Story” status at Lush, ( 30k views ) so I added that award to the story information.

My last several stories have all also made the toplist for downloads at SOL.  Usually, it’s in the 20s, but a few have climbed nearer the top.  The site has really improved as far as readership goes the last year or so.  It was down for a long time, and is getting back up to where it was when I first started there.

That’s it for now.  Brainstorming Halloween stories as well as a few others.  Feel free to make suggestions.