Have a Holly Jolley Christmas.

I updated everything else, and completely forgot to update my blog LOL

Anyway, my latest story is now live!  “Holly Jolley Christmas” ( and yes, it’s spelled right, you’ll see ) is an entry in the Literotica Winter Holiday contest, so go join the 1600 others who have already contributed their vote!


This is a taboo brother/sister story, in case that gives you the heebie-jeebies and you’d like to give it a miss.  Completely understandable!

I also just put it in the queue at Storiesonline and Lushstories.  I’ll add the links here as soon as they go live.

And, lickety-split, it’s live at Storiesonline!


A little less lickety-split, it’s live at Lush. LOL


New Ebook up, and more.

Just uploaded Hot Shorts Vol. 5, which collects the stories “Pot Head” and “X-Ray(Ted) Vision”.  You can grab them from my downloads page in either Kindle compatible .prc format, or cross-platform .rtf.


I’m starting the final scene of my Winter Holiday contest story for Literotica, so it looks like I’m going to finish it in time.  I’ll probably even have time to give it a full pass of editing.  I might even get it in before the last minute.

Not bad, considering I only started putting words on paper a few days ago.  The concept has been in the works for much longer, but concepts often fall apart once they’re connected to actual words on the page.

Next up after that ( for me as RR, anyway ) will likely be another short called, “Plowed” for Lushstories.  It will serve as the second story for the Ebook here on my website with “Do the Lotion Motion”.

Not sure after that.  I have a lot of concepts, cover mock-ups, outlines, etc. sitting around, waiting for one to become the front-burner project.  I’m kind of leaning toward something called “Jessica’s Rabbit Hole” though.

It’s always possible I may come up with another idea for a short to fill in a Lush category, though.  If I do that, then I’ll need a second as a pair for the Ebook.  Vicious cycle, that.  LOL

Spur of the moment thing.

I had a spur of the moment thought and decided to collect a bunch of the shorts I’ve been posting to Lushstories in a single submission on Literotica called “Hot Shorts”.


I’m steadily posting the incest stories that were removed from Lush as well.  Currently, “Sunny Daze”, “Paige From Her Diary”, and both parts of “Kindled in Fiction” are up.

There are more shorts on the horizon, as well as some not-so-shorts.  They’ll still be short stories, likely in the neighborhood of 5-7k, but not as short as some of the recent ones.  At least two of them are going to end up assigned to Les Lumens, though they’ll appear on Lush under this pen name.

The big project I’m trying to finish this week is the Literotica Winter Holiday contest story.  We’ll see if I pull it off, because there’s not much time left for submissions.

I’ll also collect the two most recent Lush shorts that have cleared my not-so-clear embargo line into Ebooks on the website soon.

Lush releases catch-up time.

I’ve been reposting my incest stories at Lush.  “Sunny Daze” and “Paige From Her Diary” are both up there.



I’ve also released some brand new shorts there.  I’m practicing short-form stories, ( which do well there ) filling out categories toward the Omnium badge, and getting some ideas that I couldn’t flesh out into longer stories out there.


That’s one, and then there’s this one, which is an entry in the “Boobies” contest.


Another that I just finished will be the pair for “Do the Lotion Motion” for the purposes of posting an Ebook on my website in time.  The previous pair of “Pot Head” and “X-Ray(Ted) Vision” will go up as an Ebook sometime in the next couple of days.

Working on a new brother-sister story for the Literotica Winter Holidays contest as well.

Old category returning to Lushstories

Looks like Lush finally realized that staying afloat without the incest category wasn’t working.  Their traffic dropped by 50% when they removed it, and even going to a pay model didn’t do the trick, it seems.

Against vehement protests from the same people who gloated when it was removed, the category is back.  So, over the coming days, I’ll be uploading some of my stories again.

First up will be Sunny Daze.  It’s already in the queue.  I think I’ll go with Paige From Her Diary next.

I probably won’t be posting the Adam stories there any time soon.  That’s a lot of chapters, and I doubt any of the stories in this category are going to be approved quickly.  I also probably won’t post No Purer Love, as that story is pretty week.  The structure is all wonky, and I’ve never been really happy with it on re-reads.

Mom’s Stocking Stuffer and Peppermint Patty will go in the queue some time in December to take advantage of the season.

That leaves the two Kindled chapters and Mom’s Second Chance, which will probably hit right after Paige.

Meanwhile, I also have a quickie off for editing to post in the voyeur category there ( working on getting my Omnium badge by posting in every category, plus I needed another short to team up with “Pot Head” for the Ebook here. )

Also working on a story for the “Boobies” contest at Lush and the Winter Holiday contest at Lit.  No clue if I’ll finish either of them in time for the contest or even the season.  If not, they’ll go in the next year folder and I’ll try again then.

New stories out.

Lit caught me off-guard by posting my most recent story there a day earlier than expected.  My work schedule made updating everything troublesome, and in the end, I admit I got a little lazy.  LOL

“Quite Neighborly” was tagged as a Recommended Read at Lushstories.

Meanwhile, my latest is now available at Lushstories for the “Bookish” contest.  Go give “Overdue” a read and a vote to help push me to the 10 qualifying votes, won’t you?

You can link up to both stories on my Latest Releases page.


ETA:  I don’t normally post something as short as “Overdue” anywhere but Lush, but the early reaction on this one is so strong and detailed that I may very well go ahead and post this one on the other two sites once it’s had a couple of exclusive days for the contest.

Get yourself a Nude Day fix.

This posted at the first of the week, but work has kept me from getting the updates out.  You can check out my latest MILF tale in the Literotica Nude Day contest right now – “Fixed Wright Up”.  Link up through my latest releases page.


It’s now in the queue at Storiesonline and Lushstories.  Once it posts, the links will be in the same location.

There’s something afoot…

My latest, a kinky foot fancy tale with the added twist of a forbidden partner is now available on Storiesonline!  You can check it out right here:


It’s also in the queue at Lush, and will likely go up before long.  I’ll add the link to this post when it does.  It’s going in the queue at Lit, but the posting lag there has been unreliable, so no clue when it will finally appear there.

Update:  It’s live at Lushstories.
